Friday, June 22, 2007

Hey Friends,
Sorry I have been MIA recently. I thought I would devote this entry to dancing. I never thought that a significant part of my summer in France would include dancing, especially given my less-then-graceful genetic endowment. But I have found myself on a half dozen occasions either out dancing at Discotheques meeting girls or at Tango Salons dancing with women twice my age... what can I say, I try to keep an open mind! The club scene was quite something. I really liked the first place we went, Le Saint, but the second club, "six seven" was too snobbish for me (dudes were droppin' 1,000 Euros on drinks, no joke). Plus it was too loud so it was particularly difficult to rep the American accent (without which my efforts are fruitless). Nonetheless, I had a good time at the clubs with Zane (Swattie class of '09) both nights. Tomorrow Michele- my host Mom- is entertaining a Tango Picnic. Basically a bunch of peeps from our Tango class are coming over to eat, drink, and dance. I will post pictures again soon.


Anne-Marie Colwell said...

Fun, fun, fun.
Salut Brian. Ta Maman m'a donne l'adresse de ton blog pour que je te fasse une petite visite.
Tes photos sont magnifiques et j'adore tes commentaires. J'espere que ca ne te gene pas que je vienne te rendre visite sur ton blog de temps en temps.
Passe un bon ete et danse bien.
Anne-Marie C.

Brian Roth said...

Je ne me gene jamais, Madame Colwell! Merci pour visiter a mon site! Je suis desole pour exprimer mes aventures en anglais, mais la plupart de mes amis ne peuvent que parler anglais. Je m'amuse bien en France! J'ai recemment fini le roman Rhinoceros par Eugene Ionesco, et hier soir j'ai commence a lire l'Ecole de Femmes. La litterature francaise m'interesse beacoup. Merci infiniment pour avoir ete une tellement bonne maitresse de francais. Amities, BR