Saturday, July 14, 2007


Walking through the famed graveyard, Pere Lachaise, was anything but eerie. I don't understand why people would go out and drop thousands of dollars on someone's grave. Think of how much more this money could do if it was given to a non-profit.
Some of the tombs were well kept. The stones where clean and there weren't any dead flowers or leaves covering the engravings. But these cases belong to a small minority- most of the graves were dilapidated and vandalized. I couldn't help but think of the people that rested beneath them. What had happened to their families? Did the lineage die out, did they squander the family's fortune, or did they simply grow apathetic.

The only grave I found of particular interest wasn't actually a grave at all. The plaque on the wall below commemorates the 30,000+ Communeers who were executed by the provisional government in when they took back control of Paris in 1871.

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