Monday, July 9, 2007

Deux Chateaux

After visiting Monet's humble abode, Michele and I ventured further into L'Eure, one of the departments that composes the Ile-de-France region. We checked out a magnificent chateau there named Chateau de Bizy. Our guide informed us that this chateau was a favorite of Philippe Louis and had a history of being in the Bonaparte family. The Germans used it during WWII along with many other chateaus in the region, but it remained in impecable shape. The wood work was magnificent.

To the East of L'Eure lies the department named Val d'Oise. This department strtches alongside the seine and is home to a number of chateaux that have outstanding views of the Seine. Chateau de la Roche-Guyon has its beginnings in the 12th century and served a strategic post for many centuries.

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